News Update - 02/25/2018
Post date: Feb 25, 2018 11:25:07 PM
Pioneer Family,
I know you have been anxiously awaiting signing your name away to volunteer for your Snack Bar and Field Duty shifts. But first... Thank you to everyone who came out today to help at the Pancake Breakfast. We served a little over 200 people today!
Please go to SignUp and select one Snack Bar AND one Field Duty shift.
We will be running both the Duck Park and S-Turn softball fields on Friday, March 2nd. Then, on March 3rd and 10th, it will only be at the S-Turn. Please make note of which park you signed up for :)
I am VERY SHORT on people for Field Duty... if you can sign up for more than one shift for fields, we would very much appreciate it!
For those who have not signed up by Wednesday, you will be automatically assigned your TWO shifts based on what is open.
Thank you,
SVHS Softball Boosters